Wednesday, November 3, 2010

My Thoughts...

I have to say, I have been feeling really positive about everything that has been going on. I know that ICD has been a 'victim' in the recent events, but I just can't see it that way. When people get the serious look of concern and apologize for what Robert's gone through, I tell them it's God. It's all God. The timing, the blinding, the closed mouths of those who knew what happened... there's no mistaking it. Ever heard the saying, "Divine Intervention?" Well, this was it. God all but literally paved the way for Robert to be where he is today. Owning his own business. In his own store. He is gifted. Truly gifted.

Just look at his logo in my sidebar. He designed that. Looks simple, but the idea behind it is genius. Ever see a stop sign? Well, Robert designed his logo to look similar to a stop sign because everyone is familiar with stop signs. And there are stop signs everywhere - kinda like free advertising. ;)

Oh, and how about his catch phrase, "Why hire a geek to do a technician's job?"

His gifting and talents are no mistake. He didn't go to school for marketing, but you'd never know it just by looking at what he's come up with and all the ideas he has. His base knowledge of the inner workings of a computer came completely by trail and error. From hours upon hours of studying anything and everything computer related - and retaining it & understanding it. You've been to school. You know that you can study and study, but there are just some things that don't stick. That you just can't get. There's more than just studying and trial & error involved here. There's a true gift he's been given. He may not believe it (especially when I get after him about his spelling), but Robert is seriously one the the smartest people I know. He never ceases to amaze me.

Another thing that has been so cool for me is totally being able to relate to different people written about in the Bible. A few weeks ago, I was thinking of Noah. God provided him the instructions, the means & ability, and then brought the animals to the him. Kind of like the line in 'Field of Dreams,' "If you build it, they will come." All we have to do is obey - doing our part, and God will do the rest.
This week, I keep thinking about Joseph. His brothers sold him as a slave, but Joseph ended up being a king in the end. When Joseph saw his brothers again, he told them, "What you intended for harm, God intended it all for good."

A little Sunday school video my grandma played when I was young sticks with me to this day. It showed a girl & her mother making cupcakes in the kitchen. While mixing ingredients, the daughter tasted what I remember being vinegar (though, I've never made cupcakes that require vinegar!), and got a nasty surprise. She couldn't understand how something so yucky was in something as yummy as cupcakes. The mother used that to explain Romans 8:28: "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose." Even all the yucky things in life, when viewed in an eternal point of view, work out for our good. Just like delicious recipes that require not so delicious ingredients. When we trust the original cook who authored the recipe and follow the directions, the outcome can be pretty yummy! In life, sometimes we are lucky enough to see the good come from the bad, but not always. That's when faith steps in.

Anyway, I'm really excited & blessed by what God is doing, and just wanted to write it down. To share it with whoever will listen. There is a purpose for everything. Even if we can't always see it.

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