I'm sure if I actually went through all the photos I took over the past year, I would have way too many favorites. So I chose the first one that popped into my head when I read what the challenge was going to be...
My daughter, Elise, was helping me make cookies and, as always, wanted to eat the cookie dough. I think her eyes say it all.
Click over to I ♥ Faces to see some great photography!
Happy New Year!

Love it! Too funny!
Oh my gosh that is cute! What a doll she is.:)
Love this! I can so relate to doing this very thing!
So much fun! She is making me hungry! Great capture!
Love it! Very good! Good luck and Happy New Year!
Wonderful photo and a great moment! She's adorable!
Elise is the cutest. I am glad you did it that way. Smart : )
She a doll!
A girl after my own heart!! Love cookie dough! Beautiful image.
hehe fun shot!
you captured her perfectly! so adorable.
Adorable capture...what a great face!
those eyes! :) What a great expression!
soooo cute!!
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