Friday night we played games.

Abby slept.

Elise and her Cooties:

Look who decided to wake up :)

Just in time for charades!

Saturday we went for a walk...

...and walked on water. Well, frozen water, anyway.

This girlie had more fun watching...

This next part is not for the weak of stomach.
Robert found a broken post on the path. So, he did with it what any guy would...

That's right. He tried to smash through the ice with it. But then he got a splinter. Trevor wanted to see the splinter, so walked right on the ice that Robert was smashing, and fell through. Don't worry, the water was only shin deep, but it was COLD. So, between that and Robert's pain from the splinter, I didn't take pictures as this all happened. I waited until we got back in the car.

The best way to remove that splinter was for me to grab it tight with tweezers (good thing my make-up bag was in the car), and for Robert to yank his hand away. It hurt too badly to allow me to pull it out gently.

I can honestly say, that was the biggest splinter I have ever removed!

I also took some photos of Caitlin for her 10 year portraits.
This one was my favorite:

This morning on the way to church, it started to snow. Thankfully, it didn't stick, but I am so very ready for winter to be over. Technically, there are a couple weeks of it left, but we've had a few tastes of what's to come, and I can't wait! Hence, the new music on my blah'g.
Now to get back to relaxing on this lazy Sunday.
1 comment:
It was spitting snow when we got to church too. I am SO over snow right now! Time for baseball, hotdogs, and lightening bugs!
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