Wednesday, March 30, 2011

"I'm so eskited!"

When getting Elise ready for school today, she was talking about the field trip her class is taking to the lumber yard here in town. They've been learning about different types of homes/buildings, and how they are made.

Anyway, Elise was so happy that she was going on the field trip with her class. She was beside herself excited. All she could say was, "I'm so eskited!" and, "It's so eskiting!" She said it while putting her clothes on, while putting her boots and coat on, she even said it to Sniper as we were headed out the door.

As we were walking out to the van, I pulled my phone out of my pocket to record her so-stinkin-cute-little-voice proclaim her eskitedness. Watching this video, you'd never know that mere seconds ago, she was saying 'eskited'  about every other word. :P

I'll have to get it recorded another time when I don't have to prod her. It's much cuter when she says it with excitement. Er, I mean, eskitement.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Slice of Life

This week's challenge at iheatfaces is "Slice of Life." Just a candid moment from life.

This photo was taken a few weeks back when we thought Trevor's hand might have been fractured. He didn't know I took his picture while he sat so forlornly, wishing he could go outside and play.

It was only a matter of time...

...before the girls would get the idea to dress Sniper in doll clothes.


Poor Sniper didn't even want to take more than a couple of steps with this outfit on. He would just sort of roll onto the floor. The kids got a kick out of it! Sniper is such a trooper, and really is the perfect cat. I hate cats, but not Sniper. *gasp* Did I just say that? ;)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Through Abby's Eyes

Last night, Abby confiscated my cell phone and apparently had fun taking pictures. I was looking through them, ready to delete, but instead, I saw them in a different light. Abby may have been just taking pictures of anything and everything she saw, but it was her point of view. It's how she sees our home and the things in it.


I think my goal today is clean the bathroom mirror. :P
But I seriously LOVE this photo!


This is a ceiling light:


Hmm... back to show off the toothpaste splattered bathroom mirror...


Not sure if it's the lighting, or if there is a yellow tint to the toilet water...


Abby's chalk drawing on black paper of a clown. It really isn't this creepy looking in person!


It warms my heart to see Abby trying to use the rule of thirds. :)


I think I will start having each of my kids take pictures with my phone. Don't know about you, but I completely enjoyed seeing things from Abby's point of view. They just made me happy. Who knew that a completely candid cell phone picture of a messy bathroom reflection would become one of my favorite photos?

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Elise at the Nursing Home and in a Magazine

Today, Elise and I went to the nursing home for library time.

She made a St. Patrick's Day hat.
(Yes, I forgot to brush her hair.)


I love watching the elderly interact with all the little ones. Melts my heart. Think I will ponder on that today.

Before we left, we just had to see the birds. There were a couple of very colorful ones flittering about. Those were our favorites.

And, just as the title says, Elise's picture is in the March/April issue of Thriving Family!

When she came home from school, I sat her down, gave her the magazine, and recorded the surprise...

I love her remarks at the very end of the video. If you missed it, watch again and listen carefully.
I feel like most of the pictures I take and post are of Elise, but she's the only one with me all but two hours of the day. I do take lots of pictures of all the kids, and so far, nobody has complained that so-and-so has more pictures than they do. But, as you can hear in the video, Trevor was just bummed he wasn't in the magazine, too. When he's a world famous chef, he'll get his turn!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Thoughts at Random

I bought the prettiest shade of pink nail polish the other day. Now, I have no clue where it went.

I hate it when I'm totally telling the truth, but feel like the person I'm talking to thinks I'm just making up a lame excuse, and then I start stumbling over my words, only making myself look like I'm totally lying.

I enjoyed playing a couple of rounds of Yahtzee with Robert in bed last night. We each won a round. Though, when I won, I pummeled him!

I really want to paint the halls upstairs. I know what color, too. I think. Robert is in the midst of fixing Elise's "construction project" from over a year ago, and when he's done, we really should paint right away. But, I will miss all the "art" that has adorned those halls for the past year.


The Schuenies are so over this Iowa winter thing. We really aren't cut out for living like Eskimos for half of the year. People out here try to make themselves believe the cold is only for a few short months, but we start putting away summer clothes and dig out the warmer clothes and coats by mid-September. They aren't always worn every single day at that point, but they are in the drawers and ready, none the less.  We don't do the switch back to summer clothes until mid-April at the earliest, but usually later. So really, there are nearly 8 months of the year where it's at least chilly out. I miss not having to switch out seasonal clothes.

All that said, we aren't currently looking to move back to a warmer climate just yet. Just day-dreaming for now. But if you hear of a warm place that needs an Iowa Computer Depot, let us know! :)

I will say, I do appreciate warmer weather more than I ever have before.

I absolutely can't stand the over saturated magenta that is on Barbie's face in 'A Fashion Fairytale.' No other characters' faces are like that, why'd they do it to Barbie's? So distracting.

I threw a frozen ham in the crockpot the other day. I was a bit nervous to cook it that way, but it turned out just fine. Just added a little water, brown sugar, and pineapple juice. As I type this, I realize that I was saving that ham for our traditional green eggs and ham for St. Patrick's Day. Oops.

I am not being paid to say this, but I love the new Purex crystals softener. It truly is an amazing product. I never used softener or dryer sheets with towels because of the film they leave on fabric, causing them to not absorb as well as they should, but this stuff is different. It doesn't leave a film on fabric. Though, I still don't use it with my towels. I prefer my towels to be rough and scratchy. We have a couple soft towels that I avoid like the plague. Anyhoo... The reason why I think this product is amazing is because you can throw in a load of laundry when you go to bed at night with half the recommended amount of crystals, be so busy the next day that you completely forgot about it, go to bed dog-tired, figuring you'll just have to rewash those jeans in the morning, only to wake up, open the lid to the washer, and smell clean laundry instead of wet dog. Seriously cool! Just don't ask how I know that...

I have no idea what to make for dinner tonight. I should know since it's about that time right now.

I rarely get a blah'g post done in one sitting. This one is no exception

We use sea salt. But not on popcorn. We use popcorn salt on popcorn.

I love Sierra's new haircut, but I miss her long tresses. Makes her seems not as Californian. But she will always be Californian, no matter the hairstyle.

Californian is a silly word.

Sometimes when people are talking, I try to listen as though I was a person who speaks a different language. English can sound quite silly.

I'm not a confrontational person. At all. I told Robert that I would be his bookkeeper only if I never had to call people with delinquent accounts. Or call people period.

I don't do well talking to people I'm not very close to over the phone.

I've actually come to a point where I do like to text rather than talk. Of course, there are exceptions. Especially for something lengthy.

I like it when Robert calls.

I love that Trevor wants to be a chef when he grows up.

I truly know I have five awesome kids. They have their moments like every other kid, but they genuinely want to do what's right, love everyone, and do their best.

I still keep a prayer journal. It's awesome to read through past journals/entries and see how those prayers were answered. Especially when a prayer was answered in an unexpected, or even completely different, way. Not everything is a "yes," "no," or "maybe." Sometimes it's "You can't see it yet, but this way is better. Trust me."

I wish frames weren't so expensive. At least the frames I like. I have pictures to hang, but no frames to put them in.  Somebody alert me when Hobby Lobby has a 90% off clearance.

Unless it's for an imminent need, I won't pay full price for anything. In fact, I usually only pay 10-25% of the original price. Like shoes. Trevor's new $30 shoes cost me $6. Elise's boots cost $3, Robert's shoes cost $12, and I've bought several pairs of Converse for under $6 each. I recently got myself a pair of $60 jeans for $9, and a $30 shirt for $4.

I miss real Mexican food.

We're having waffles for dinner.

I hate grocery shopping.

I hate knowing that not-so-true things are said about me, and there's nothing I can do about it. I just have to practice what I preach and know that God knows the truth, my heart, and anyone who truly knows me, knows better.

We like watching History, Discovery, and National Geographic shows on Netflix. Unfortunately, it usually leaves me with the 'travel bug.' As I type, I want to go on a week safari in Africa. I looked it up - an all inclusive, week long trip for two would cost $4,000 or even less. Please call me if you find that on clearance for 90% off!

Tomorrow is going to be beautiful! And the forecast for next week is showing all 50ยบ or higher!

I love that we're a family who does pretty much everything together.

We didn't have waffles for dinner. We had ham, egg, and cheese burritos. Figured I should use up the rest of my crockpot ham. Waste not, want not, right?

Caitlin knew right where that pink nail polish was.

Abby's lisp is getting better. Although I find it adorable, I know she can't talk that way forever. She's really starting to grow out of it now. Even with the challenge of missing both top front teeth!

I keep reminding Elise to stop sucking her thumb, but secretly, I love that she still does.


'Cause one day all too soon, I'm gonna miss it when she doesn't.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Favorite Face of February

Some have already seen this photo from several days ago, but this is my entry for iheartfaces this week because February wouldn't be the same without our Cowgirl.

Who turned a big 10!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Our Weekend

Our weekend was pretty laid back.

Elise's weekend was kicked off with a Teddy Bear Pajama party.

Friday night we played games.


Abby slept.


Elise and her Cooties:


Look who decided to wake up :)


Just in time for charades!


Saturday we went for a walk...


...and walked on water. Well, frozen water, anyway.


This girlie had more fun watching...


This next part is not for the weak of stomach.

Robert found a broken post on the path. So, he did with it what any guy would...


That's right. He tried to smash through the ice with it. But then he got a splinter. Trevor wanted to see the splinter, so walked right on the ice that Robert was smashing, and fell through. Don't worry, the water was only shin deep, but it was COLD. So, between that and Robert's pain from the splinter, I didn't take pictures as this all happened. I waited until we got back in the car.


The best way to remove that splinter was for me to grab it tight with tweezers (good thing my make-up bag was in the car), and for Robert to yank his hand away. It hurt too badly to allow me to pull it out gently.


I can honestly say, that was the biggest splinter I have ever removed!


I also took some photos of Caitlin for her 10 year portraits.

This one was my favorite:


This morning on the way to church, it started to snow. Thankfully, it didn't stick, but I am so very ready for winter to be over. Technically, there are a couple weeks of it left, but we've had a few tastes of what's to come, and I can't wait! Hence, the new music on my blah'g.

Now to get back to relaxing on this lazy Sunday.


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