I can't believe it! Summer vacation is here! Another year gone all too quickly.
The 1st-4th graders had a bike rodeo, so Caitlin,Trevor, and Abby got to ride bikes to school. That's always a highlight for my kids on the last day of school. It's much more fun than being dropped off in Daddy's car...

The 1st-4th graders had a bike rodeo, so Caitlin,Trevor, and Abby got to ride bikes to school. That's always a highlight for my kids on the last day of school. It's much more fun than being dropped off in Daddy's car...

I was in Elise's class this afternoon (which, by the time this posts, will be yesterday afternoon. Someday, I will actually write a post in one day!) to help with the End of the School Year party. I'm sad that this is our last year of having Mrs. Berry. She's such a great teacher for those kids just starting out in school, and I'll miss having a child in her class.
Anyway, while I was in Elise's class, Caitlin was walking by and saw me. Her eyes were red and puffy. If you know Caitlin, you know she's like me - not a crier. At all. When I saw her, I just went to her, and she literally fell into my arms, crying. This is her last year at the elementary school as next year she starts middle school. That makes her very sad. Makes me sad, too.
After sending her back on her way, I went back to playing with the kids in Elise's class. Mrs. Berry had all sorts of fun activities for the kids to do.
Elise has learned so much this year, it boggles my mind! I did choose to place her in the Pre-Kindergarten class next school year, though. She is about the youngest in her class, and will have barely turned 5 by the time school starts up again. I think it will be good for her, and I will still get some one-on-one time with her every afternoon.
When it was time to go home at the end of the day, I couldn't believe all the sobbing (yes, sobbing) kids that were coming out of their classrooms. I didn't take pictures of the sadness, but I will always have the heart wrenching images in my memory. Like Trevor and his best buddy hugging and crying like they won't see each other ever again (which they will - all summer, I'm sure). Caitlin, crying while giving and receiving hugs from her friends, classmates, and teachers. Abby, holding onto me so tight, while her little body shook from the sobs. Teachers and staff with their red, watering eyes. And Elise, constantly disappearing while I was making my rounds to different classrooms. She was totally clueless. I'll give her a week.
Anyway, I never remember such heartbreak to have a school year come to a close. That speaks volumes to me, as a parent. The fact that all these kids aren't ripping out the door to start their summer vacation, but rather, wishing school wasn't over quite yet, tells me that they are truly cared for by the teachers and staff - not just the means to a paycheck. Overall, I feel really blessed our kids are a part of that school.

These two were taken this morning since my camera's battery died (Friday, the day after this post was started)...

(There aren't any pictures of Sierra because her school is about 15 miles away, so she takes the bus.)
Our day has been half happy, half sad. I think it'll take a few days before they are really happy for summer. A few meaning however many days until the pool opens.
I just knew this school year would fly by faster than the last. And that scares me. Before we know it, our kids will be graduating and heading off to college. So, I need to remember to cling to every moment. Savor them. Linger in them. Will the clock to stop ticking so fast.
Especially for moments like these...
It's tradition for the kids and me to go get ice cream on the last day of school. What better way to kick start summer vacation than with ice cream?
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