Robert likes unsweetened iced tea. Yuck.
Today, I'm going to have lunch with Abby. She has a summer birthday, so today is her day to celebrate. Usually, I make cupcakes myself to bring to class, but with the chaos that has been our life this month, Wal-Mart cupcakes will have to make do.
Ooo, that reminds me - I have a post about small towns to finish up. I started it like a month ago after watching Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Prices.
Elise is playing with Trevor's measuring tape. The joy of pulling it all the way out and letting go never gets old. It really is the simple things that are so much fun.
I think I'm addicted to chapstick.
Just got back from having lunch with Abby. I love seeing her so excited and the center of attention.

And what's a birthday celebration without singing "Happy Birthday?"
Pretty soon, Abby's sweet, toothless grin won't be toothless. Her two front teeth are growing in!
If you would, please say a prayer for my grandma. She is nearing the end of this life. I just want her to be comfortable and at peace. I'm not making a trip out to California to see her, but we are planning on going to Colorado for her funeral when the time comes. I knew last summer that our visit would be the last time seeing her here on earth. I will always cherish that memory. She was just holding my hand so tight, and I think that deep down, she knew she loved me, even if she couldn't remember who I was.
If you're ever curious to know what I will look like in eighty years, just look at my grandma. The older I get, the more I look like her. Robert says I will be a cute old lady. :)
Elise is watching Sleeping Beauty until it is time to go to school. That is one of my favorite Disney movies.
Elise is at school now. She insisted on wearing a pair of sandals from last summer that are just a smidgen too small. I wish I could post signs to her back that read, "She chose her shoes today" or "She chose her outfit today" or "She did her own hair today" or "Daddy was in charge today."
Trevor made this yesterday:

Yesterday was a sad day, but I know and believe God is in control.
Whelp, I should get back to work. I may not have any kids at home for a couple of hours in the afternoon, but that doesn't mean I have any free time!
Yikes - four hours later, and I think I'm mostly caught up on the bookkeeping. Just have a few questions for Robert, and then I can balance the checkbook. Such fun.
I'm also now only one photo session behind in editing, so hopefully I can get them done in the next day or two.
It's insanely crazy how busy we are. And as soon as I think the next week looks free, BAM, the calendar fills right up.
Trevor wants to bring M&M cookies for his class tomorrow. I think I will buy those, too. Really, with the cost of the M&Ms and all the ingredients, it's cheaper to buy a couple dozen cookies.
OK, my five minutes are up. I need to switch laundry.
Hello, Tuesday!
I am grateful that Trevor's baseball coach called to say practice will only be two nights a week now. That means all seven of us will be home tonight! At the same time!
Speaking of Trevor, I am going to have lunch with him today to celebrate his summer birthday. I bought his M&M cookies last night. Two dozen for $4. A lot better than buying all the ingredients and spending a couple hours baking.
I love it when it rains. I love the warm sunshine even more, but there's something nice about a dreary day, too. Maybe I like it so much because, coming from California, we didn't get a whole lot of rain, so it was kind of a special treat whenever it did.
Lunch with Trevor was fun. Although, I wasn't thinking and ate my brunch at 11, and his lunch is at 11:30. I was so embarrassed to be wasteful, but I could only eat about three bites of my hamburger. I did eat my peaches and green beans, though.

The cafeteria was pretty empty today as a lot of classes had their end of the year picnics today, but you wouldn't know it with how loud these kids sing.
After lunch, I checked out Elise's zoo picture she drew. Older kids came to help her begindergarten class write about their favorite animal, and Trevor & his buddy were Elise's helpers. I like her reason for choosing the lions as her favorite zoo animal:

Personally, this guy was my favorite:
But more on this guy later. I will post about our zoo trip soon!
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