Monday, March 15, 2010

Simply Amazing

Worship this past Sunday was beyond words. So many turning their lives over to Christ - it was absolutely amazing! Watching the 40 or so being baptized was such an emotional & spiritual experience for me. It truly felt as though I was watching a scene play out straight from the Bible. Well, except for the fact that we weren't at the Jordan River. Even the songs we sang during the baptisms just came to life, and hit my heart deeper than they ever have before. It was just so awesome...

*You might want to turn off my music at the bottom of the page first as there's music to the slideshow. Also, since Blogger seems to have resized the video, it's chopped a bit. The verses I used are (in order): Matt. 28:19 & Gal. 3:26-28*

It wasn't easy to take photos through the tears, so I hope no one was missed (besides those who were baptized after worship).

And I just snapped a pic of some lyrics to a song that really grabbed my heart...

Some may think I'm strange, but that's OK. I have true peace, joy, hope, and love that run so deep in my soul, I'd rather be judged as weird than have a void that can never be filled. I am by NO means perfect, but Jesus was. And because of Him, I am whole.


Alisa your BBF! said...

AWESOME STACEY!!!!...sniff-sniff-sniff! Thank you for using your talent to caputre this truely awesome God given day...

Larry B said...

You did a magnificent job in "chronicling" a day that will be the high point of many people's lives. I hope that all who participated have an opportunity to view this.

sls said...

Thank you, Larry - it was very moving! Tell your wife hello from me! :)

sethswifeforlife said...

Stacy, that's awesome.


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