I can't believe it. My littlest sister graduated! I pray that she finds purpose, direction, wisdom, peace, joy, and contentment as she enters into this new adventure of being a grown up. Whatever that means. I'm still figuring it out.
Saturday, June 12, 2010 marked the special day for Leah.
Getting ready for the ceremony...

Taking our seats...
If you know me, you know I loathe using my flash. But in such low light, with no time to worry about exposure and focus, I set my camera to *gulp* auto. The worst part about auto (besides how my photos turned out) was the fact that I couldn't snap away because the flash needed to recharge between each shot. And since I did a quick test shot at the stairs as Leah was coming to the stage, I missed her doing the whole hand shake/diploma pass. Sorry, Leah! :(
Getting her flower...
After her slideshow, waiting for Mom & Dad to come up to the stage to move the tassel...
Elise was just so excited, she couldn't stand it...
I changed out lenses right before seeing they were doing a whole class shot. So a few grads were cut out since I used my prime lens and couldn't zoom out. Grr.
Me with my dad.
Me with the grad & Dad...
Caitlin is practicing eight years in advance. Hope that's enough time to learn which way the cap goes on!
After the ceremony, we got a big group family shot...
Here's the grad with her proud parents...
A bit dark, but I loved the arches...
I could shoot around this church all day!
Next post - pizza, cake, & musical chairs!!
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