Robert & me, on our 11th anniversary...
June 20, 2009
It all started over 12 years ago when we met. I didn't even really like Robert very much for a while there. But he's got something about him that won me over. And still continues to win me over. We aren't perfect, but even in our imperfections, we know our relationship is what we call a "God Thing." We know that no matter how big a fight is, neither of us is going anywhere. Ever. There's so much comfort in knowing that no matter what, we'll always be together. Till death do us part.
A lot has happened in the past 11 years. We started a family, moved half way across the country, bought our first home, Robert started a computer company, and we are now entering the next stage in our parenting. No more diapers, sleepless nights, and trying to communicate with a non-talker. I, personally, am loving it! It's always bittersweet to see your kids grow, and someday I know I'll look back through my photos & wish for those baby days, but right now, I'm enjoying where they are. :)
I really intended this post to be about Robert & me, not parenting. But, parenting has always been a VERY big part of who we are. More than 90% of our marriage has been as parents. But (yes, another but, but this is a big but!), it is by no means all we are. We really are best friends. We can tell each other anything. We can sit in silence without awkwardness. We can talk about fears & hopes. Disappointments & excitement. We truly want what's best for each other. Even when that means making sacrifices. I am so grateful that even in the tough times, we know we'll pull through. And not just pull through, but come out stronger & closer to each other.
I know that is not the case for everyone. Marriage is a REALLY hard thing. Keeping unity is even harder. Not saying we agree on everything, or that we even HAVE to agree on everything, but unity IN disagreeing - that's where we're able to get past the tough stuff. We are unified in our beliefs, goals, love for each other, and ultimately, CHRIST. Our foundation isn't laid on me being a good wife, or Robert being a good husband, or even the good times. We'd be in a world of hurt if that were so! We aren't perfect. We aren't always 'happy.' We need something deeper than that. Something that has stood the test of time. We need 'Someone' who is strong enough to hold us up. To keep us from blowing away when the storm rages. We need Jesus. Like the old hymn lyris say:
On Christ the solid rock I stand
All other ground is sinking sand...
ALL other ground is sinking sand. No matter how stable it may seem to build a foundation on love, trust, family, good intentions, or even church - when push comes to shove, they will all let you sink. They simply aren't strong enough. Sure, some foundations my be stronger than others, holding you up a bit longer, but believe me when I say they won't hold you up forever. I can guarantee that. God wants us to rely on Him, to trust in Him, to put Him first - above all. So He may let our cracked and human foundations last us for a time, but not forever. If we don't open our eyes to our misplaced trust, He will surely show us! And, speaking from experience, it's not easy.It's not easy to put aside your old self & start over. It's literally like training your mind to a new way of life. With God's help, we CAN tear down old foundations & rebuild with Christ as our foundation. Only Jesus is a strong enough foundation to withstand the storms of life. Without Him, I'm positive I wouldn't be here today, typing these words, and watching the clock - waiting for Robert to come home.
1 comment:
Wonderful words!
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