Monday, May 17, 2010

Ahh... I Love Weekends.

 It was a nice way to spend our weekend. Even if I was still feeling blucky and Robert had to work.

The last soccer game of the year...

Then playing outside, and being quite imaginative & creative...

The dress Elise chose for the day...

Pretty Sierra...

Here's the head-dress she and Caitlin made...

The photo is awfully blurry as we were in the car, on the way home from Chinese (thank you, cuz!), but Abby was rocking out to Taylor Swift with her seatbelt air guitar...

And after church, we went to the $2 theater, and played in the town's square afterward...

Even tho I was feeling pretty yucky for most of it, it was a really nice weekend.


moejolarry said...

I love how the photos of the kids posing by the fountain came out! Hope you are feeling better!

sls said...

Thank you!
I'm still a bit stuffy, but better. Ready for summer!!


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