At the start of this school year, I prayed that the year would seem to just fly by fast so we could hurry up and get back to our summer. Now, I can't believe how fast the time went! But here on the other side of the year, I realize how bittersweet this time is. Of course, I can't wait to get our summer underway, but on the other hand, my kids are a year older, a year closer to graduating, a year closer to leaving our nest. Yet another chapter of their lives comes to an end. They are no longer 5th, 3rd, 1st graders, or kindergarteners. Even Elise is going from baby, I mean, toddler to begindergartener (preschooler). It just doesn't seem possible. It seems only yesterday I was taking Sierra to her first day of kindergarten with three other kids 3 & under in tow. The days where I couldn't wait for the kids to grow up just a little. Now here I am. My youngest is starting school, and my oldest is completing her first year of middle school! No more diapers, no more lugging around a bulky double stroller, no more scheduling around naps. But as trying as those days were, I do miss them. Just as I know I will miss these days. Recently, I've realized how much more 'awake' I need to be during these years as they are going by way too fast.
Robert came across an old CD of photos. It still seems like it was only yesterday...
Christmas '03
I laugh when I look at this. Caitlin's photo frown started so early, Sierra's being her sweet self, and I look so calm and cool while I try and hold Trevor still. That boy did NOT want to sit still!
Trevor and his sweet curls...
The girls' first log ride. Trevor wasn't quite two, and I was pregnant with Abby, so we sat out this ride.
I think this is one of my all time favorite photos... :)
Trevor's second birthday!
(Abby was born less than two weeks later - look how tiny my belly was!)
My little angels
Elise actually still wears these dresses for dress up. They aren't as pretty with missing buttons, flowers, and paint stains, but she loves them. :)
Yummm! Ice cream!
And baby Abby...
(she was bruised from me trying to push her out forehead first, poor thing)
Look at her mop of hair!
Trevor learning to skateboard at Grandma's...
He's always been an athletic, coordinated boy. He was riding his bike with no training wheels before he was three!
December swimming with Aunt Leah...
Sierra is ever the model. Notice her shoes? ;)
The Grand Canyon. I do not suggest taking small children to the Grand Canyon. Very nerve-wracking. Maybe we'll try it again next year when our youngest is five. Or maybe not.
(Caitlin's hair had to be chopped as she & Sierra decided to play hair salon... two weeks before they were to be in a wedding!)
First picture taken from a stranger cut off Abby...
This one was taken by a different stranger...
Sierra took this one...
At a zoo in Iowa. Gotta love boys! Thankfully, the goat was too lazy to butt him away.
At my cousin's home...
This is why having a dog is WAY easier than kids. You can do this without getting thrown in jail... ;)
Kids at Lake Okobiji...
And then there were five...
And the rest, as they say, is history.
Time does fly!
With our first son, my husband made the mistake of saying, "I can't wait until he starts walking." Boy did he ever eat those words!
You do learn to cherish every moment and make the most of it. You learn not to take your family for granted.
awww I love it! Brings back lots of memories :)
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