Sunday, May 9, 2010

Did You Figure it Out?

 Of course you have. At least, you have if you've been on Facebook - which probably almost anyone who is reading this has been.
But for those who aren't on Facebook, this is what we were up to Thursday night:

 Sierra, Caitlin, & I got to go see Taylor Swift with our friends Thursday night! It was a great concert - thank you, LL!! :)
Unfortunately, they didn't let me bring in my "professional, detached lens camera" into the arena, but my friend had her camera, and got a few shots. That is, until the batteries died. 
We all had such a fun time! The girls were excited to see their first real concert, and I was surprised with how many of her songs I actually recognized. ;) 

Here are a few pictures from before the concert. Thankfully, we had decided to get a hotel room so we didn't have to drive home so late, and we were able to hit up the hot tub before-hand.

All dressed up and ready to go!

We had to park a few blocks away, so had a nice walk to let out some energy and excitement...

The next morning, the girls had fun jumping from bed to bed.

After breakfast, we went to the Iowa Historical Building Museum...

Personally, I think it would be rather difficult to go to the bathroom with such a large peephole ;)

I think my girls have a new appreciation for the time in which they we born...

I think the stairs were a hit, too.

Here are pictures of some things I thought were pretty cool (no worries, I'm leaving out the poop picture!)...

Just for you, Dad... :)

I call this, "The world's first Snuggie"

To think I first learned to type on one these is kinda crazy...

For Trevor...

I always wanted to make a paper dress. This tea pot (or whatever it it) is really pretty...

"Hello? Sarah? This is Barney Fife..."

I really liked this old cash register...

It was pretty neat to actually see how much a half bushel really is...

Hmm... I think Sleeping Beauty forgot her spinning wheel.

Here's a journal of notes from someone who surveyed land. That is something that boggles my mind, and I can't imagine the patience & time it took to do so, without satellites or a GPS to help.

Afterwards, we did a quick photo shoot with the girls...

Sweet Sierra...

I do have one of Caitlin looking at the camera, but this one seems to capture one aspect of her I don't often get on camera...

I usually get this aspect of her personality...


Today was also a big day for Elise, and a sad one for me. She had her first ever haircut! Somehow, we've managed to go nearly 4 years without scissors touching her hair. Her hair was really in great condition, not frizzy or split, and darling with her ringlets, but the past few weeks, it has been like pulling teeth to brush her hair. With summer right around the corner, it will only get worse. Not to mention, Robert had to brush her hair for the first time in a long time, and couldn't believe I go through that every day. And for anyone from church reading this, he mentioned getting her hair cut before today's sermon. ;)

Here's a few before...

Getting ready...

The first snip...

And here's the after...
At least it wasn't a lot chopped off. Unfortunately, though, it had to be the curls.

But Elise likes it a lot, and that's what counts!
She's still pretty stinkin' cute anyway!

All in all, it was a really nice Mother's Day weekend. The kids picked out and made me some sweet gifts and a Scooby Doo cake, we went out for dinner, and Robert & the kids got my van [mostly] cleaned. I'm so blessed to be the mother to my kids, and honored that God has given them to me. They really are some special kids!
Happy Mother's Day to all the Mommys out there!!


Lea said...

Please tell me you kept one of the snipped curls! I can't tell you how many people mention Silas getting a haircut. I know he has a Donald Trump thing going on sometimes but I just can't bear to see the curls go yet!

sls said...

I wouldn't cut his hair yet, either!
And yes, I have a few locks of hair :) I hate that it's cut, but I knew it would get 10x worse with summer, playing, sweat & swimming. It's still long, but with be easier to brush - miss her curls. Hope she'll get more :(


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